#stayhome #quedanacasa #quédateencasa

Due to the current situation we cannot continue with our daily tasks and we have been told to stay home. Social distancing, they said. It affects everyone, teachers too and we must protect our vulnerable ones: "united we stand". However, we don't know for how long this is going to take and so we must get our hand on something in order to "while the time away". I challenge you to do something creative everyday, whatever, can be anything (food, drawing, flowering, dancing, etc). Use what you already know, use your imagination, your ideas. But keep in mind that every day counts😍. 
If you want, send your creations to englishdept.ceip.agualada@gmail.com. I will publish them.

Make every day count! 

Menos mal que o burato non está do noso lado...


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